Audio:QS080701.AIF C-box:The powerful emperors of this civilization unified India for the first time in its history. BallLoc:#none LineNum: GeoBytesUsed:5 PaletteNeutralPic: stuff:blankthing A-box or Headline6:N/A Correct:Maurya Empire*QS080702.AIF* Wrong 1:Maya Civilization Wrong 2:Indus Valley Civilization Wrong 3:Inca Civilization Wrong 4:West African Empires Wrong 5:Mesopotamia Wrong 6:Egypt Wrong 7:Mongol Empire Wrong 8:Persian Empire GeoByte1:The Maurya capital was protected by a huge wall with 570 watchtowers. GeoByte2:The Maurya emperor Ashoka was the first ruler to unite most of the Indian subcontinent. GeoByte3:Maurya emperor Ashoka was a pious Buddhist who tried to instruct his people in the ways of righteousness. GeoByte4:Ashoka, the greatest of the Maurya emperors, is remembered today for his wisdom, goodness and tolerance. GeoByte5:Foreign invasions followed the collapse of the Maurya Empire. GeoByte6: GeoByte7: GeoByte8: GeoByte9: GeoByte10: PictCasts:["HQ080110.PIC", "HQ080210.PIC", "HQ080310.PIC", "HQ080410.PIC", "HQ080510.PIC", "HQ080610.PIC", "HQ080710.PIC", "HQ080810.PIC", "HQ080910.PIC", "HQ081010.PIC", "HQ081110.PIC", "HQ081210.PIC"]* VideoReward:#none Palette:#default StartVideo:HQ080750.MOV EndVideo: MapPictCast: Glossary Start Glossary End